First thoughts while reading these classical stories were - 1) Again, stories like "An Agreement between the Wolves and the Dogs" were blurry in meaning because of the old time style of writing. 2) Aesop fabled dogs are either very greedy or stupid haha. Thought dog was mans best friend.
An Agreement between the Wolves and the Dogs
The Wolves found themselves in a great Straight once how to deal with the Dogs, they could do well enough with 'em one by one they saw, but were still worsted and over-born by Numbers. They took the Matter into Debate, and came at last to this conclusion: That unless they could make a Party among them, and by a Parcel of Fair Words and Pretences, engage them in a Confederacy against their Masters and Themselves, there was no good to be done in the matter.
Upon this, they sent out their Spies among the Dogs, with Instructions to go to those among them that were nearest their own Make, Size and Colour, and to reason the matter with them, after this or the like manner. "Why should not we that are all of a Colour, and in a manner all of a Kind, be all of a Party too, and all of an Interest? You'll say perhaps, that your Masters, and your Fellows may take it Ill, and pick a Quarrel with ye. Well, and what will they be able to make on't then, against You and us together? If it comes to that once, 'twill be but One Push for all, and the Work is done."
This Discourse wrought as well as Heart could wish; for a great many of the Wolf-Colour'd-Dogs cry'd out, "Well mov'd upon't," and so went over to the other side.
And what came on't at last, but that after the Dogs had Deserted, the Wolves Worry'd one Part of their Enemies by the help of the Curs that went over to them; and they were then strong enough to destroy the Revolters themselves.
A House divided against it self cannot stand.
Very hard to understand because of the old fashioned style of writing and diction but for the most part even before reading the moral of the story I understood it by piecing together most of it prior. I was proud of that, and I like how I pictured an army of wolves and dogs taking what they wanted as a great pack of wild and free canines.
A Mastiff in a stable lay,
Couch'd on a manger full of hay.
When any thing drew near to eat,
He quickly forc'd it to retreat.
An Ox then cried, "Detested creature,
How vile is thy malignant nature,
Which will not others let enjoy
That which thou never canst employ!"
The dog's an asshole. This makes the dog seem more like a wild, war-torn wolf or even better, Cujo. I've seen a greedy dog act like this, the growl is vicious, and the slobber slinging from their jowls and gleaning off their sharp canines strikes fear into most even if for half a second. A spark of primal survival and vicious mentality gleams in the eye of a hungry selfish dog when it does not have right manner and love in its heart (I'm a poet, no big deal).
Final Thoughts
Aesop's fables gave canines a bad rep. So did Cujo haha. But I'm definitely a dog lover. Pups and huge dogs. I also don't believe any dog is truly bad, especially pit bulls, its just all about how the pup is trained and how much quality love it gets. Wolves were my favorite animal until I switched to lions in middle school, they are very similar though in their pack/pride mentality and social structure. To quote the famous words of the prestigious Little, Wayne - "He's a beast, he's a dog, he's a motherfucking problem. OK, you're a goon but what's a goon to a goblin?"
Final Thoughts
Aesop's fables gave canines a bad rep. So did Cujo haha. But I'm definitely a dog lover. Pups and huge dogs. I also don't believe any dog is truly bad, especially pit bulls, its just all about how the pup is trained and how much quality love it gets. Wolves were my favorite animal until I switched to lions in middle school, they are very similar though in their pack/pride mentality and social structure. To quote the famous words of the prestigious Little, Wayne - "He's a beast, he's a dog, he's a motherfucking problem. OK, you're a goon but what's a goon to a goblin?"

Cujo - Scary I know. Forgive me ladies.
I'm more of a puppy man myself.
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