Thursday, August 27, 2015

Growth Mindset

The concept of Growth Mindset is almost like a Buddhist, zen, spiritual learning aura one should try and practice to become a better learner and ultimately a better person. Some parts are easy said, harder done. Some of it seems cliche, while some of it seems totally logically and like what our teachers and parents have preached to us. Practice makes perfect. Versatility and an openness to new ideas and different ways of thinking all expand the mind and further ones being. I feel like a monk typing this haha. One thought I had while listening to and reading Carol Dwek's teachings and the continuous use of the word "mindset" was how it related to difficult times in sports and the hours of practice, being coached, and preparation to be great. My former football coach would always say "live like a champion." It was our creed, our motto. Being an athlete my mentality has been molded by my many practices, experiences, hard lessons, and the moments that sculpt the competitor to grow and overcome the exhaustion, failures, and other obstacles. Learning is an obstacle at first, and we get better at it by continual exposure, preparation, and training of this ultimate skill. I think the most important things to take away from Growth Mindset are - practice, versatility, mentality, and positive belief.


  1. I was an athlete most of my life before college, so I agree and understand where you come from on this entire topic. I have also been molded by my lessons learned, both easy and hard. I almost believe that mentality and mindset could be interchangeable words. You have to be able to believe in yourself or sometimes in the situation in order to get what you need.

  2. Hi, Michael! I enjoyed reading this post and completely agree. It's great to hear your take on it from a perspective other than classes. I was never an athlete so it's cool to hear how you were able to relate this to practice and the road to improving your craft and becoming even better. I really think it's important that we fail sometimes in order to succeed. Not everything is supposed to be easy. It truly should take determination to get better at something and honestly learn.

  3. Hey Michael ,
    I was cracking up at the part where you said "I feel like a monk typing this" cause i was just thinking how you sounded very monk like. I like how you brought up the word mind set because I feel like that is a very important thing that people over look. if you have a good mind set you can do anything.

  4. I like how you opened up this piece with! You gave a wide array of topics, which speaks to the idea of growth mindset. That first part helped me see that in order to grow your mind, you need to be well-rounded and think outside the box. We need to try new things so we can know what they mean to us. This could be in anything and I am glad you talk about that.
